Imagine my delighted surprise to see this!

A return to the old dish used for housing the coveted chili con queso dip.

We also saw a return to liney chips, as described in a previous post. Unlike last time, these chips were not stale, and did not remind me of thin sheets of pasta.

This week's dip was a welcome return to the glory of cheese. After the past few weeks where we have been served sub-par cheese offerings, it was orgasmic to finally consume quality cheese dip.
Let me break down the amazingness.
Consistency: Consistently thick, with no lumps.
Spiciness: Mildly spicy.
Appearance: A little odd. Refer to pictures below for further explanation.
Temperature: Hot! Not tepid, not warm, actually hot!
Flavour: Delicious.
Chips: Weird liney chips, but crisp and inoffensive.
Chip-to-dip-balance: Moderate. There were still a few chips left over after we inhaled the cheese, but it wasn't the greatest discrepancy we've experienced.

The only thing that marred an otherwise perfect offering was the colour of the cheese dip. It actually looked a little grey, which I have tried to capture on camera, and mostly failed.

It didn't stop us from finishing the cheese dip, because it was freaking delicious, but I can't help but wonder why it had that odd grey-ish cast. It's been two days since then, and I haven't dropped dead, so if the colour is the reason for the improved taste and quality I have no real complaints. Will update if the unknown substance causes me to turn into a radioactive cheese woman.