Let us begin with the pictures first.

The pictures fail to adequately convey the cheese experience we enjoyed. I would have taken more pictures, but I was too busy shovelling chips laden with cheesy goodness into my mouth. This week saw a return to the old glory days of cheese, a time before we saw the need for a blog to record the week-to-week inconsistencies. The dip was thick, spicy, hot and brimming with perfectly balanced cheese-tastic flavour. A type 1 dish was used, ensuring a wonderful amount of cheese, and the chips had minimal salt. The only smudge on what would have been an otherwise perfect cheese offering were the few stale chips, set aside in the following picture.

However, that did not stop us from consuming every drop of the wondrous dip. As you can see, the chip to dip ratio was also miraculous.

Consistency: Perfect.
Spiciness: Perfect.
Appearance: Perfect.
Temperature: Perfect.
Flavour: Perfect.
Chips: Almost perfect.
Chip-to-dip-balance: Perfect.
I'm both scared and excited about going to Santa Fe this week. It seems impossible for them to serve us amazing dip twice in a row, but a part of me is praying they achieve this feat.
As a side note, the tacos were also amazing. Just FYI.