OK, so this post is kinda late. As a result of my tardy posting, I have mostly forgotten what the cheese experience was like. However, I did take an abnormally high number of photos on the 12th, so I will allow the pictures to tell the story of that cheesy night.
We were seated once again at table 1, and after the obligatory calculation of how much cheese was required for the night, we noticed this drawer next to us.

So of course we opened it. I won't lie, we were expecting some sort of cheesy treasure.
Instead, we found these order booklets. Unfortunately Santa Fe uses an electronic ordering system now, otherwise we would have filled out our own orders for the next month.
We ordered two cheese dishes, please ogle these delightful pictures.
As you can see, we received type 2 dishes, which as always is a great source of sorrow. I'm pretty sure that one of my cupped hands has a greater cheese storage capacity than a type 2 dish.
The chips were wonderfully crisp. However, they were also salty enough to remind Bacon Sandwich of other hard and pointy things that he has put in his mouth.
I believe that this picture was taken to illustrate how runny the dip was. That, or I just wanted to capture how bad we are at eating.
Halfway through our cheese consumption, we noticed this picture right next to us. We stared at it for a good five minutes wondering who the couple are, before realising that the cheese was getting cold. We welcome any suggestions on who the elusive cheese people are.
Thanks to the runny consistency of the dip, the dip to chip ratio was miraculously good for a type 2 dish. That being said, Santa Fe, fucking give us a type 1 dish already.
Here is a picture of a mutant chip for your viewing pleasure.
Here is a picture of our angry cheese colleague fingering a menu hole, which may or may not provide you with viewing pleasure.
The final surprise of a very eventful cheese night was not one, but two cakes provided by another cheese colleague, who also enjoys all things viscous, salty and cheesy.
As you can see, the cakes were quite lovely.
After we were finished with them, they looked like this:
This is a very accurate rendition of what came out of my mouth the last time I had tequila at Bacon Sandwich's house.
The Breakdown
Consistency: I've already mentioned that it was runny, but it's worth mentioning that I wrote in my notes 'thin runny'
Spiciness: Spicy
Appearance: We were too busy admiring the portrait of what I hope was the first cheese couple.
Temperature: Hot
Flavour: Cream cheesy
Chips: Crisp, moderately mutated and salty.
Chip-to-dip balance: The best we've ever seen with a type 2 bowl.